
Monday, October 4, 2010


Image by Rennet Stowe ; CC Attribution license

Reliving li(v)es from past drug abuse. Attempting to quit smoking (for the nth time). Supporting partner with alcoholism recovery. Watching videogames replace life experience. Witness to fitness dominating all. Food as god, demon, lover and tormentor. Trying to deal. Trying to deal. Trying to deal. Trying, trying, trying.

Sometimes I feel like I'm in a circle. One thing is replaced by another. Nothing changes, patterns repeat. I'm not the only one either: I see friends and family in their own little mouse wheels of different colours and different speeds, but we're all going around and around.

I hadn't cried for almost a year and this weekend put an end date on my record. We're going to work it out. He is going to (has) quit drinking. What do I do now? How do I help him stay strong, keep true to myself and show him that I appreciate his hard work, love him - without wounding, digging, rubbing in pain?

The Female Partner of the Recovering Male Alcoholic - a study looking at effectiveness of treatments; pro-behavioural therapy; feminism and female roles; codependency; one case-study

Yahoo! Answers - I'm dating a recovering alcoholic... - support suggestions, one very very good response from a recovered alcoholic; pro-AA; again addressing codependency; fabulous quote:

" So my answer to your question, "anything else I can do to be supportive", is...take care of yourself; put the focus off him (let him do that himself) and do what you need for yourself to stay healthy. "

Okay, then. Project for this week: take care of self. It is not hard. I can be whelmed, rather than over-. Just one week of be sure to do these things.
  1. Run a couple times this week. Let's say, three.
  2. Take a bitchin' awesome bath. Salts and candles and music, the whole kaboodle.
  3. Go to bed early at least once to get the full 8hrs sleep.
  4. Wear a bright and beautiful outfit that makes me feel awesome at least once.
  5. Take time to read a book I love.
And this still makes me happy:


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